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- Activity Report 1994 / Rapport d’Activité 1994
- TAWA LAMA, Stéphanie. (2021). “Comparative Research between France and India. A View from Within”, pp.349-366 in Decentering Comparative Analysis in a Globalizing World, O. Giraud and M. Lallement (ed.), Brill.
- Chao F., Gerland P., Cook A.R., Guilmoto C., Alkema L., (2021), “Projecting sex imbalances at birth at global, regional and national levels from 2021 to 2100” BMJ Journals , (2 August 2021)
- Benkimoun S., Atyame C., Haramboure M., Degenne P., Thébault H., Dehecq J.S. and Tran A. (2021). Dynamic mapping of dengue basic reproduction number, ELSEVIER, Vol. 36, October 2021.
- Rao Mohan, Sarcar Aprjita, (2021). Two-child Norm: Curtailing Welfare, Weaponising Demography, Economics & Political Weekly 56(35), 28 Aug 2021.
- Jean-Thomas Martelli, Salil Parekh “Chat-Hi:Exploring Indian National Identity Through Machine-Generated Text.” Leonardo (11 August, 2021).
- Nicolas Belorgey & Christophe Jaffrelot (2021), “Identifying 1.3 Billion Indians Biometrically” Heidelberg Papers in South Asian and Comparative Politics , (16 July 2021)
- Guilmoto CZ., Chao F. and Ombao H. (2021), “Sex ratio at birth in Vietnam among six subnational regions during 1980–2050” PlOS ONE , (14 July 2021)
- Guilmoto C., (2021), “Estimating the death toll of the Covid-19 pandemic in India” Medrxiv , (2 July 2021)
- Gravel N., Levavasseur E., Moyes P., (2021), “Evaluating Education Systems” Applied Economics , (9 June 2021)