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CSH-IFP Working Papers
- Mathieu, Ferry and Jeanne Subtil. 2023. “Digitized matchmaking : Marriage-making Strategies of the New Middle Class Through Online Matrimonial Advertisements in India”, working paper no 19, CSH-IFP
- Arnaud Kaba Shankare Gowda, (2021) Of glass, skills and life: Craft consciousness among Firozabad’s glassworkers CSH-IFP Working Papers, #18.
- Naomi Prachi Hazarika, (2020) Spaces of Intermediation and Political Participation: A Study of Kusumpur Pahadi Redevelopment Project 2019 CSH-IFP Working Papers, #16.
- Julien Levesque, (2020) Debates on Muslim Caste in North India and Pakistan. CSH-IFP Working Papers, #15.
- Tista Kundu, Arnaud Lefranc (2020) Inequality of Opportunity in Indian Society CSH-IFP Working Papers, #14.
- Nicolas Gravel, Edward Levavasseur, Patrick Moyes (2019) Evaluating Education Systems. CSH-IFP Working Papers.
- Nicolas Gravel , Mihir Bhattacharya (2019) Is The Preference Of The Majority Representative ? CSH-IFP Working Papers.
- Frédéric Landy, Thomas François, Donatienne Ruby, Peeyush Sekhsaria (2018). Vertical governance and corruption in urban India. CSH-IFP Working Papers.
- Anwesha Banerjee, Nicolas Gravel, (2018) Contribution To A Public Good Under Subjective Uncertainty. CSH-IFP Working Papers.
- Kamala Marius, Govindan Venkatasubramanian, (2017) Exploring Urban Economic Resilience : The Case of A Leather Industrial Cluster in Tamil Nadu