- Do Indian States have the power to devise their own policies? A study on fiscal space
- Dorin B. & Landy F. (2009) Agriculture and Food in India A Half-century Review from Independence to Globalization
- Negotiating the Terms of a New Social Contract: Private Companies, Civil Society and the State in India
- For a sociology of dam-induced displacements: state-managed dispossession and social movements of resettlement in a region of Central rural India (Maharashtra)
- Invisibilisation, mise au ban et remise au pas L’exemple de revendications étudiantes
- Fiscal Federalism, State Lobbying and Discretionary Finance in India
- Between Citizens and Institutions: The Dynamics of the Integration of Water Supply and Sanitation Services in Hyderabad
- Trade and Economic Arrangements between India and South East Asia in the Context of Regional Construction and Globalisation
- Aligning Development, Air Quality and Climate Policies for Multiple Dividends
- Is India Better off Today than 15 Years Ago? A Robust Multidimensional Answer