Associate Researcher Status At CSH

1. Associate status as such does not exist at CNRS. We are free to do what we want.
2. Associate researchers are not obliged to sign their publications in the name of the CSH. Of course, some associate researchers wish to show their affiliation to the CSH in their publications, and we are very happy to do so (provided that these publications are of good quality).
3. In the framework of the HCERES report, the CSH has the right to include the publications of researchers who have been affiliated to the CSH and have recently left the Centre, whether or not they have associate status.
4. The question of signatures on publications must therefore be distinguished from that of the status of associate researchers.

Proposal for a status of associate researcher at the CSH:
1. The status of associate researcher allows us to make visible long-term and effective collaborations with certain researchers from other units or institutions or with independent researchers. Associate researchers are listed on the CSH website and in the activity report.
2. The status of associate researcher is strictly honorary, it does not give the right to occupy a workspace. The allocation of workspace depends primarily on the occupancy rate of the premises. Depending on the period, we welcome a large number of research assistants and visiting scholars officially invited by the CSH. These people are given priority for the occupation of the workspaces.
3. Given the evolution of the research carried out at the CSH, linked to the turnover of affiliated members, the status of associate researcher is valid for 4 years. After this period, it will be necessary to re-examine the insertion of the associate researchers in the CSH’s research axes.
4. The following are considered as associate researchers:
– Indian colleagues involved in a funded research programme (ERCT, ANR, others) hosted at the CSH, whether they are the project leaders or whether the project is led by one of the affiliated researchers.
– Former affiliated members (directors, researchers, doctoral and post-doctoral students) whose funded research programmes are hosted at the CSH after their departure. Associate researchers keep this status until the end of the project (or for a period of 4 years). After this period, it will be necessary to review the situation with them and decide whether their involvement in the CSH’s research programmes justifies the renewal of this status.
– Indian or French not affiliated members who are currently collaborating in one of the three research axes, generally with a particular affiliated researcher. This collaboration implies a participation in the collective and scientific life of the CSH: co-organisation of seminars, participation in the elaboration of collective projects (scientific publishing, setting up of research programmes, etc.). These persons may also be associated because of their participation in a transversal working group (Subaltern Studies, preparation of the CSH anniversary, etc.). In order to ensure that the number of associates does not swell disproportionately, it is important to be vigilant and to check whether the collaboration does not end with the departure of the person concerned.
– Colleagues, Indian or French, who can assist the CSH at the scientific and/or institutional level, for instance in its relations with the supervisory authorities. These persons should be considered as resource persons whom the CSH can call upon when specific requests are made on subjects not covered by the affiliated researchers: diplomatic note or exchanges with the Embassy’s counsellors, identification of institutional partners, help in finding competent researchers in a given field, etc. These resource persons include former research assistants who have made a significant contribution to the CSH fieldwork surveys and can be a great help when new researchers start investigations in similar fields.
. The decision-making process must be collective. When one of the affiliated members wishes to have a colleague become an associate member of the CSH, he/she sends the research project and the CV of the person to the board members. After discussion, the decision is put to a vote.