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- Županov, Ines G. 2025. Missionary Enchantment in South Asia, 16th-18th Centuries. Amsterdam University Press.
- Kumar, Satendra. 2025. “Shifting Grounds: Society and Politics in Haryana.” The India Forum.
- Quaiser, Neshat, 2024. “Rise and Fall of a Paradigm: Post colonial Indian Sub-continental States and the Praxis of Agrarian Resistance.” Frontier.
- S. Jodhka, Surinder. 2024. “On the Futures of Caste.” Economic and Political Weekly.
- Varghese, Jonathan Koshy. 2024. “‘Embodying’ the Intellectual: Edward Said, Public Sphere, and the University,” Public Humanities.
- Guilmoto, Christophe Z, Himanshu. 2024 “Caste and Socio-economic Inequality in Bihar.” Economic and Political Weekly.
- Dorin Bruno, Degron Robin, Landy Frédéric, 2024. “Agriculture industrielle, agriculture biologique et agroécologie : regards croisés Europe-Inde.” Cahiers Agricultures.
- Dorin Bruno, Poisot Anne-Sophie, Vijay Kumar Thallam. 2024. “Agro-industry versus agroecology? Two macroeconomic scenarios for 2050 in Andhra Pradesh, India.” FAO-Cirad-RySS, Rome.
- Varghese, Jonathan Koshy. 2024. “‘The First Man’: Camus, sentimentalism and colonial legacy” The Hindu.
- S. Jodhka, Surinder. 2024. “SAD faces a crisis of legitimacy.” The Tribune.