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- Dorin B., Joly P.-B., (2019) Modelling world agriculture as a learning machine? From mainstream models to Agribiom 1.0, Land Use Policy
- Gravel, N., Magdalou, B., & Moyes, P. (2019). Inequality measurement with an ordinal and continuous variable. Social Choice and Welfare, 52(3), 453-475.
- Agarwal, B., & Dorin, B. (2019). Group farming in France: Why do some regions have more cooperative ventures than others?. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 51(3), 781-804.
- Gravel, N., Marchant, T., & Sen, A. (2018). Conditional expected utility criteria for decision making under ignorance or objective ambiguity. Journal of Mathematical Economics , 78, 79-95.
- Al Dahdah, M., Kumar, A., & Quet, M. (2018). Empty stocks and loose paper: Governing access to medicines through informality in Northern India. International Sociology, 33(6), 778-795.
- Romeo-Aznar, V., Paul, R., Telle, O.& Pascual, M. (2018). Mosquito-borne transmission in urban landscapes: the missing link between vector abundance and human density. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 285(1884), 20180826.
- Choukroune, L., & Bhandari, P. (Eds.). (2018). Exploring Indian Modernities: Ideas and Practices. Springer.
- Himanshu H., Lanjouw P., Stern N. (2018) How Lives Change: Palanpur, India, and Development Economics. Oxford University Press.
- Frédéric Landy, Thomas François, Donatienne Ruby, Peeyush Sekhsaria (2018). Vertical governance and corruption in urban India. CSH-IFP Working Papers.
- Anwesha Banerjee, Nicolas Gravel, (2018) Contribution To A Public Good Under Subjective Uncertainty. CSH-IFP Working Papers.