Tagged: caste

Levesque, Julien. 2023. “Anjuman , jami‘at , and association: what Sayyid organizations tell us about associational forms among Muslim caste groups.” Contemporary South Asia, 1–15.

Dr. Julien Levesque, an associate researcher of CSH and currently lecturer & post-doctoral fellow at the Department of Indian Studies, Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies, University of Zürich wrote an article entitled “Anjuman,...

Levesque, Julien, and Soheb Niazi. 2023. “Caste politics, minority representation, and social mobility: the associational life of Muslim caste in India.” Contemporary South Asia, 1–13

Dr. Julien Levesque, an associate researcher of CSH and currently lecturer & post-doctoral fellow at the Department of Indian Studies, Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies, University of Zürich with Dr. Soheb Niazi, a...