Popular Writing & Other Publications
- Varghese, Jonathan Koshy. 2024. “‘The First Man’: Camus, sentimentalism and colonial legacy” The Hindu.
- S. Jodhka, Surinder. 2024. “SAD faces a crisis of legitimacy.” The Tribune.
- Niazi, Soheb, 2024. “Towards a History of Non-ashrāf Muslims.” Economic & Political Weekly.
- Dhankhar, Deshdeep, 2024. “James C. Scott: Professor who Studied Resistance and Learnt from Peasants.” Centre for Studies of Plural Society.
- Agarwal, Bina, 2024. “Farmer Cooperation in England: Exploring its Extent, Forms & Impact Over Time.” Centre for Rural Policy Research, University of Exeter.
- Cabalion, Joël. 2024. Enjeux et défis du Kisan Andolan, mouvement social de 2020-21, Lundimatin. February 19.
- Quaiser, Neshat. 2024, “Indian Parliamentary Elections: Structures Beneath the Surface, ‘Choreographic Occultation’ and Authoritarian Personality”, Mainstream Weekly, Vol. 62(12)
- Belorgey, Nicolas. 2024. “Aadhaar. En Inde, un identifiant numérique omniprésent menace la démocratie.” Le Grand Continent May 17.
- Gautier, Laurence. 2024. “AMU Is No Stranger to How Students’ Protests Are Co-Opted for Political Gains” The Wire, May 12.
- Parot, Noé. 2024. “Mumbai: un paysage urbain contrasté et entrelacé, illustration de mutations rapides dans un environnement contraint.” Cahier Des UMIFRE 10 : 33–36.