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- Martelli, J. T., & Garalytė, K. (dir.) (2020). Student Politics in South Asia. South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal, (22).
- Sudgen, F., Agarwal, B., Leder, S., Saikia, P., Raut, M., Kumar, A., & Ray, D. (2020). Experiments in farmers’ collectives in Eastern India and Nepal: Process, benefits, and challenges. Journal of Agrarian Change.
- Naomi Prachi Hazarika, (2020) Spaces of Intermediation and Political Participation: A Study of Kusumpur Pahadi Redevelopment Project 2019 CSH-IFP Working Papers, #16.
- Subtil, J., (2020) L’Inde en cache-sexe (“Sexuality and Public Space In India” book review) La Vie des Idées
- Levesque, J., (2020) Book Review: In A Pure Muslim Land The Book Review, Literary Trust
- Julien Levesque, (2020) Debates on Muslim Caste in North India and Pakistan. CSH-IFP Working Papers, #15.
- Seghal, A. (2020). A wish list for casual workers amid heat wave conditions, Policy Circle, May 30.
- Tista Kundu, Arnaud Lefranc (2020) Inequality of Opportunity in Indian Society CSH-IFP Working Papers, #14.
- Quaiser, N. (2020). “Aag ka Darya: Another Perspective”, Cafe Dissensus (ISSN 2373-177X), May 22.
- De Bercegol, R., Goreau-Ponceaud, A., Gowda, S., Raj, A. (2020). « Confining the margins, marginalizing the confined: The Distress of Neglected Lockdown Victims in Indian Cities », EchoGéo, Online.