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- Glattli Laurent, Chauhan Ekta, 2023. “What Goes In The Making And Unmaking Of India’s National Heritage?”, Outlook, (April 8)
- Belorgey, Nicolas. 2023. “The Aadhaar battle: Why some players in the corporate world needed a biometric ID?” global policy.
- Benkimoun, Samuel. 2022. “Mobility Privilege and COVID-19: Determinants of a Spatially Differentiated Experience in the Lockdown-ed Delhi Region”, South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal, 29.
- Activity Report 2022 / Rapport d’Activité 2022
- Ribadeau Dumas Hugo, 2023. “Strees in the streets. Gendered engagement with the urban space in Hindi films: a quantitative study”, GeoJournal.
- Martelli Jean-Thomas, Christophe Jaffrelot, 2023 “Do Populist Leaders Mimic the Language of Ordinary Citizens? Evidence From India.”, Political Psychology, 1-31.
- Guilmoto Z. Christophe, 2022. What can Europe’s history of gender bias tell us about Asia’s contemporary experience?, The History of the Family, 27:4, 801-813
- TAWA LAMA, Stéphanie. 2022. Gram sabha. G. Petit, L. Blondiaux, I. Casillo, J.-M. Fourniau, G. Gourgues, S. Hayat, R. Lefebvre, S. Rui, S. Wojcik, & J. Zetlaouï-Léger (Éds.), Dictionnaire critique et interdisciplinaire de la Participation, DicoPart (2ème édition). GIS Démocratie et Participation.
- Kundu Tista, in interview, “Building Societal Resilience, The Role of Inclusion in a Fragmented World” AXA Research Fund, Winter 2022, pp:21
- Paul Pavitra, Olivier Chanel. 2022. “Do differences in brute luck influence preferences for redistribution in favour of the environment and health?”, Humanities & Social Sciences Communications 9(338)