Mayur Narendra KUDUPALE

Mayur Narendra KUDUPALE


Mayur Narendra Kudupale is a Research Assistant working under Christophe Z. Guilmoto. He has completed an MA in Social Work in Mental Health from the Tata Institute of Social Science, Mumbai. He was an academic fellow at the Telangana Social Welfare Residential Education Institution Society. Recently, he submitted his M Phil thesis in the Department of Sociology at the Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi. His M Phil work was on the “Conceptualization of ‘Backwardness’ as a category: From colonial India to the post-Mandal era.”

He used to write about the anti-caste movement in the colonial period. His research focuses on the anti-caste movement, backwardness, and representation in colonial and post-colonial eras.

Telang, Sangharsh, and Mayur Kudupale. 2022. “Situating Democracy in Ambedkar’s Moral Discourse.” Contemporary Voice of Dalit. doi: 10.1177/2455328X221138359.

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