Barathi Nakkeeran, (2021) Intersectional Solidarity in “Against White Feminism” Chicago Review of Books (August 2021)

Barathi Nakkeeran, (2021) Intersectional Solidarity in “Against White Feminism” Chicago Review of Books (August 2021)

Barathi Nakkeeran, a Research Assistant at the Centre de Sciences Humaines (New Delhi) has written a book review of “Against White Feminism: Notes on Disruption by Rafia Zakaria” published in Chicago Review of Books.

Her blog can be found at:

You do not have to be white to be a white feminist,” Rafia Zakaria writes in the author’s note to her latest collection of essays, Against White Feminism: Notes on Disruption. Gender justice requires parity among women of color and white women. In Against White Feminism, Zakaria warns that any feminism that expects universal agreements is a branding exercise and will ultimately elude accountability, forsaking potential transformation for the sake of agreement.

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