Barathi Nakkeeran holds a bachelors in law from National Law University, Jodhpur, and a masters in Gender Studies from Ambedkar University, Delhi. She is a Research Assistant at the Centre de Sciences Humaines (New Delhi). Her research and writing interests lie at the intersection(s) of marginality, urbanism, right to the city, citizenship, waste, and informal labour issues. Her writing has appeared in the Economic and Political Weekly, The Hindu, Down to Earth (India), and LSE Review of Books. Previously, she worked as a Research Consultant with the George Institute for Global Health on the Accountability for Informal Urban Equity (ARISE) – part of a multi-country consortium – hub project which focused on access to health and well-being of waste pickers.
At CSH, she is a part of the “CHALLINEQ” project under the supervision of Dr Nicolas Gravel, which aims to understand inequalities in India, and its changes over a period of 15 years through various socio-economic factors.

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