Popular Writing & Other Publications
- Levesque, J., (2020) Book Review: In A Pure Muslim Land The Book Review, Literary Trust
- Seghal, A. (2020). A wish list for casual workers amid heat wave conditions, Policy Circle, May 30.
- Quaiser, N. (2020). “Aag ka Darya: Another Perspective”, Cafe Dissensus (ISSN 2373-177X), May 22.
- Benkimoun S., Denis E., Telle O. (2020), “Mapping the lockdown effects in India: how geographers can contribute to tackle Covid-19 diffusion”, The Conversation.
- Telle O. (2018), “Emerging infectious diseases in India: the scourge that could boost urban development”, The Conversation.
- le développement du nord-est de l\’inde : une politique d\’intégration régionale qui conforte sa marginalisation, par xavier houdoy, ifg
- developing north-east india: the regional integration policy confirms its marginalization, by xavier houdoy, ifg
- Discussions with Prof Surinder S Jodhka
- Urban inequality rising far more in India: François Bourguignon
- Only if daddy says ‘yes’, by Parul Bhandari