Dengue spatial analysis in Delhi (Analyse de l’Emergence de la Dengue Et Simulation Spatiale – AEDESS)
Improved knowledge of dengue epidemiology will enable the identification of risk factors that may offer relatively simple, inexpensive options for intervention. In order to create new ways to improve our understanding of this disease, this Agence Nationale de Recherche (ANR) project has been designed with an interdisciplinary perspective: although biological, environmental and vectorial factors of risk are quite well known, the way they interact is not yet well defined. The project methodology is to generate through fieldwork studies detailed biological, environmental and social data to be integrated in a Geographical Information System (GIS).
- Observe the dengue virus diffusion at urban scale and its relation with the intra urban environment and human mobilities.
- Produce new knowledge on dengue through serological and genetic studies with particular focus on defining the determinants of an asymptomatic outcome of infection.
- Understand the relation and the interaction between society/individuals – environment vectors and biological factors – that lead to the endemisation of dengue in the hyper endemic city of Delhi.
- Simulate the infectious dynamic through Agent based Model.
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