New release of Les Cahiers de l’Outre-Mer, co-directed by CSH-associate Christine Ithurbide
This special issue of Les Cahiers d’Outre-Mer #277 questions the articulation between the global deployment of digital technologies and local reconfigurations of cultural industries in South countries. Drawing on recent fieldworks with a particular focus on spatial and socio-anthropological dimensions, the different contributions explore how new socio-technical resources, including “digital platforms”, contribute to transform the conditions and modes of financing, producing and disseminating cultural creations (films, music, visual arts and performing arts). Through an approach attentive to questions of inheritance as well as social and spatial asymmetries, it aims at better understanding what are the local variations in the adaptation processes by different cultural actors, in a context of increasingly interconnected markets.
Two articles: one written by Shanti Pillai, Nicolas Bautès and Nancy Boissel-Cormier; and one by Giulia Battaglia, are more particularly focusing on India.
This release was co-directed by CSH associate researcher, the geographer Christine Ithurbide and Vassili Rivron.