Christine Ithurbide holds a PhD in Geography from Paris Diderot University / co-supervised with the Centre for the Study of Regional Development, Jawaharlal Nehru University (2015), and graduated from a Master Degree in Contemporary Art History and Curating at Paris Sorbonne University (2009). Her research questions the place of art and culture in the development of cities, territories and societies in South Asia. Her approach in social and cultural geography analyses the processes of cultural globalization and their consequences on the reorganization of local territories, spatial and social inequalities. Her thesis focused on one of the largest cultural metropolis of Asia, Bombay / Mumbai and highlighted how, beyond its industrial and commercial Art district, was organized a complex geography of art production involving multiple networks of fabricators, craftmen, technicians underpinning a globalized art market.

Postdoctoral fellow at the Centre de Sciences Humaines from 2015 to 2017, she deepened her study on cultural labor and informal systems, and coordinated for two years the CSH-CPR Urban Studies Seminar. She also conducted an expertise mission for UNESCO-New Delhi on Art policy in India. Since 2017, she is Postdoctoral fellow at the LabEx ICCA, University Paris 13 and develops a research program on  Cultural Industries in India : Digital, platforms and regulation” where she studies the articulation between the deployment of the digital technology and policy, and the reconfigurations of music and film spaces, industries and economy, especially in Mumbai.


Ithurbide Christine and Rivron Vassili (ed.) 2019, Industries Culturelles dans les Suds à l’heure d’internet / Cultural Industries from Global South in the digital age (Sp. Issue) Les Cahiers d’Outre-Mer n° 277, Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux.

Ithurbide Christine and Rivron Vassili, 2019 « Industries culturelles et plateformes numériques dans les Suds : des reconfigurations sociales et spatiales en question », Les Cahiers d’Outre-Mer n°277, 5-36

Ithurbide Christine, 2018 « Modern Bombay: The Making of an Art Territory from 1850s to 1950s » in Choukroune and Bhandari (dir.) India In the Modern, Springers Publications.

Ithurbide Christine, 2017 « Une géographie des travailleurs invisibles du marché de l’art. Le cas de la ville de Bombay, Inde », Géographie et Cultures, numéro spécial Marchés et nouveaux territoires de l’art dans les villes du Sud

Ithurbide Christine, 2016 « Art, recyclage et empowerment : la première biennale de Dharavi ». Mouvements, 2016/3 (n° 87)

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