Dervillé, Marie, Bruno Dorin, Léa Jenin, Didier Raboisson, and Claire Aubron. 2023. “Inclusiveness of the Indian Dairy Sector: An Institutional Approach.” Journal of Economic Issues 57(3):994–1017

Marie Dervillé is a visiting researcher at CSH and an associate professor at the French National Superior School for Agricultural Training (ENSFEA) has co-written an article with Bruno Dorin (CIRAD, UMR Cired-Associate researcher at CSH), Léa Jenin (University College Cork, Ireland), Didier Raboisson (CIRAD, UMR ASTRE) and Claire Aubron (SELMET, Université de Montpellier-Associate researcher at CSH) entitled “Inclusiveness of the Indian Dairy Sector: An Institutional Approach“, published in Journal of Economic Issues, Taylor & Francis Online on 01 Sep 2023.
The article is available at:
Abstract: We propose an institutional analysis of the development of the Indian dairy sector to investigate the drivers and extent of its inclusiveness. The institutional insight highlights that the inclusion of millions of smallholders in Indian industrial dairy chains comes from a dynamic network of three-tier cooperatives and specific sectoral formal and informal institutions favoring resource pooling and cooperation. This study demonstrates that an analysis of the bundles of rights held by smallholders in the sector supports assessing and monitoring inclusiveness.