Marie Dervillé is an agroeconomist (Master AgroParisTech, 2002; PhD AbiesParisTech, 2012; HDR 2022), associate professor at the French National Superior School for Agricultural Training (ENSFEA) since 2012. She developed a mesoeconomic framework to support the transformation of agricultural and food systems in France, Europe (Germany) and Asia (Bhutan, India & Afghanistan).
Building on historical institutionalism and regulation theory, she considers sectorial and territorial dynamics as social space, at the same time relatively autonomous and yet framed by their relations to other entities (states, firms). Collective action within sectorial or territorial communities contribute to the creation and distribution of productive resources and related usage and exchange value (intangible property rights regime). She mobises a systemic, historic and comparative approach, combining in depth field work with statistical analysis to highlight the institutional arrangements of formal and informal rules framing stakeholders’ representations of and relations to resources.
She has been working in Bhutan and India since 2005. She has been supporting stakeholders in their adaptation to food market liberalisation that occurred since the Uruguay round in the 1990’s. She highlighted the contribution of resources’ pooling and specification as ways to escape price competition. This process has been supported by the Superior quality policy in Europe and by the pro-cooperative policy in India. She is currently investigating the place of livestock and the role of organisational and institutional innovations in the transitions towards sustainable food systems in France and India.
Ongoing projects as principal investigator:
- ANR TransIndian Dairy: Indian Dairy Systems in Indian large scale agroecological transitions: a focus on institutional change (2022 – 2026)
- Projet Région Occitanie: Territorialisation agroécologique des filières laitières occitanes (2021-2024)
- PhD cofounded by the French Dairy farmers Associations: organisational and institutional drivers of transitions towards agroecology.
Recent publications:
- Dervillé Marie, Fink-Kessler Andrea, Trouvé Aurélie. 2022, The role of institutions in the territorial structuring of a sector: Evidence from the long-term transformation of the dairy sector in France and Germany Regional studies.
- Dervillé Marie. (2022). “Institutional insights into the adaptation capacities of sectoral communities: evidence from the restructuring of the dairy sectors in France and Germany.” The Annals of Regional Science: 1-31.
- Dervillé Marie. 2022. Communs et communauté dans les transitions: une approche en termes de régime de concurrence appliqué au secteur laitier français, allemande et indien, HDR thesis.
- Gaillard Cédric, Dervillé Marie. 2022. Dairy farming, cooperatives and livelihoods: lessons learned from six Indian villages]. Journal of Asian Economics.
- Dervillé Marie, Jenin Léa, Dorin Bruno, Raboisson Didier, Aubron Claire. (accepted September 2021) Inclusiveness of the Indian dairy sector: an institutional approach] Journal of Economic Issue.