[CSH Seminar – ONLINE] Long-term disagreement before consensus (M. Faure)
The Centre de Sciences Humaines (CSH) is pleased to invite you to the CSH Seminar (Online):
Mathieu Faure
Centre de Sciences Humaines / CNRS
Long-term disagreement before consensus
The session will be online via Zoom on 7 December 2020, 5:00 pm onwards: https://zoom.us/j/92539666266?pwd=c1NSUjdIUUY3RStGV3JJeHpYR3d1UT09
To get a priority access in case of large affluence, kindly register to:
Many models of opinion formation lead to a social consensus, meaning that all members of society share the same opinion. These conclusions are in contradiction with what is observed in reality, where many disagreements persist. In particular, most elections with two candidates in democratic countries show an almost equally split share of votes for both candidates.
To explain the persistence of disagreement, some models have introduced “stubborn” individuals who maintain their opinions under any circumstances. We offer an alternative explanation, which does not rely on the existence of heterogeneous agents, and that nevertheless reconciles models leading to consensus and the observation of persistent disagreements.