[CSH Seminar & Book Launch] Consolidating Empire: Power and Elites in Jahangir’s India 1605–1627 (C. Lefèvre)

[CSH Seminar & Book Launch] Consolidating Empire: Power and Elites in Jahangir’s India 1605–1627 (C. Lefèvre)

Event Details

The Centre de Sciences Humaines and The Institut Français India are pleased to invite you to the CSH Hybrid Seminar and Book Launch


Corinne Lefèvre

(CNRS Research Fellow, Centre d’Études de l’Inde et de l’Asie du Sud)


Consolidating Empire:

Power and Elites in Jahangir’s India 1605–1627

In discussion with Dr. Anubhuti MAURYA (Associate Professor and Head, Department of History and Archaeology, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Shiv Nadar University)

Monday, 6 March 2023, from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm IST

Centre de Sciences Humaines
IFI-CSH conference room (ground floor)
2 Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Road, New Delhi – 110011

The seminar will be followed by a Book Launch from 7:00 pm onwards at the CSH Library.

Copies of the book will be available for sale. The book launch will be accompanied by a small reception.

To register:
Please fill the Registration form


What happened in Mughal India in the quarter century after Akbar’s death? Nothing that really mattered – according to received wisdom. Through a complete re-examination of the reign of the fourth Mughal emperor Jahangir, this book upends that traditional view. Rather than provide a linear history of this relatively neglected monarch, Lefèvre analyses a wide range of imperial and non-imperial texts, as well as vestiges of material culture, to reveal major transformations involving imperial authority, ethno-religious diversity, and state centralism.

In her book, Corinne Lefèvre begins by questioning the historiography that categorises the monarch as a political lightweight. By contrast, Lefèvre shows us an intellectually complex, astute, and multi-faceted Jahangir who managed a tightrope act between self-indulgence and the serious business of kingship. More important than looking at the king, she says, is examining the nature of the empire under his reign. To that end, she moves the focus onto the Mughal military, administrative, and religious elites, and highlights how they readjusted to the changing imperial ethos. Her book closes with an exploration of relations between the Mughal empire and two other major polities of early modern Muslim Asia – Safavid Iran and the Chingizid khanate of Central Asia.


Corinne Lefèvre is a CNRS Research Fellow at Centre d’Études de l’Inde et de l’Asie du Sud (CEIAS), Paris. Her works offers a new perspective on the political and cultural history of the Mughal empire by locating it in the larger context of early modern Muslim Asia. Her book, Consolidating Empire. Power and elites in Jahāngīr’s India (1605-1627), was published by Permanent Black in 2022.                                                                         

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CSH Seminars are in hybrid mode. We request you to pre-register before Friday, 3 March , 5:00 p.m. IST for both offline and online registration.

To attend at venue: Please note that the room capacity is limited. Seats will be reserved on a first come first basis. Kindly carry an ID proof to be granted access to the venue.


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