M.M.Shankare GOWDA
M.M.Shankare Gowda is a field based research specialist on multi-disciplinary issues. His areas of interest include Urban slums & rehabilitation, participatory democracy, local & identity politics, and local and urban governance. He has been associated with the Centre for Social Sciences and Humanities (CSH) of New Delhi since 2004. He has also been associated with the Centre for Policy Research, Delhi. He holds PhD in Political Science and ICSSR Post-doctoral fellow (2009-12). Some of his publications include.
Recent Publications:
- Véronique Dupont, M.M.Shankare Gowda, 2021. Slum Redevelopment, Differentiated resettlement and Transit camp, The Kathputli Colony Rehabilitation Project in Delhi, in Urban Resettlements in the Global South Lived Experiences of Housing and Infrastructure between Displacement and Relocation, Ed. Raffael Beier, Amandine Spire, Marie Bridonneau, Routledge.
- Arnaud Kaba, M.M. Shankare Gowda, (2021). Of glass, skills and life: Craft consciousness among Firozabad’s glassworkers CSH-IFP Working Papers, #18.
- Véronique Dupont, M.M.Shankare Gowda, 2020. Slum-free city planning versus durable slums. Insights from Delhi, India, International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development. https://doi.org/10.1080/19463138.2019.1666850
- Rémi De Bercegol, M.M.Shankare Gowda, 2018. Waste and Energy Nexus: rethinking the modernization of waste services in Delhi, Urban Studies, Special Issue on ‘Urban Nexus’, edited by Jochen Monstadt and Olivier Coutard. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0042098018770592.
- Rémi De Bercegol, M.M.Shankare Gowda, 2017. Development on the urban fringe: the prosperity of Kartarpur, of Small cluster-town in the Punjab, in Subaltern Urbanization in India. An introduction to ordinary towns, dynamics Springer, collection Exploring Urban Change in South Asia. http://www.springer.com/gp/book/9788132236146#aboutAuthors