Arnaud KABA
Arnaud Kaba is a social anthropologist who works on Indian labour relations. His master’s thesis was analysing the semi-paternalistic management system of a Darjeeling Fair Trade plantation. His Ph.D. thesis, completed at the EHESS under the supervision of D. G. Heuzé was looking at the confrontation to uncertainty amongst Bhopal’s metal workers. After a short-time DAAD fellowship at CeMIS, Göttingen, he is an ICAS:MP postdoc fellow to complete his anthropological history project on Firozabad’s glass workers.
He has been collaborating with the CSH since 2009. As a visiting Masters and then PhD student. His new project is looking at the techniques and material cultures of Firozabad’s glass workers and is showing how the relationship to the working process is shaping labour identities and the local cultures at the neighbourhood’s scale.
- Kaba, A. (2011), Les réalités du commerce équitable : l’exemple d’une plantation de Darjeeling, Paris, L’Harmattan
Publications in peer review journals
- Kaba, A., (2019), Corruption, clientélisme et protection: les représentations du pouvoir chez les classes ouvrières du Madhya Pradesh (Inde), La revue du MAUSS permanente, Paris, sous presse (dossier en finalisation avant mise en ligne).
- Kaba, A., (2016), Of Old and New Business Ethics: How Fair Trade Becomes Patronage and Paternalism in a Darjeeling Tea Plantation, Journal Of Business Anthropology, Copenhagen
- Kaba, A., (2014), Une culture du précariat? Devenir journalier en Inde, Autrepart, N°71, Quelle place pour les jeunes ? L’accès à l’emploi dans les Suds, Paris
Publications in peer-review journals in revising process
- Kaba, A., (2019), Changing agrarian labour relations in the villages, conviviality in the construction yards: seeking the interstices of freedom amongst the Madhya Pradesh’s labour classes, Journal of Agrarian Change, London, accepted with major revisions.