Christophe Guilmoto part of the Global High-Level Inter-Ministerial Dialogue on Gender-Biased Sex Selection(GBBS)
Christophe Z. Guilmoto, a member of the Territorial Dynamics research area of the CSH, is invited at the global trends in GBSS at the Global High-Level Inter-Ministerial Dialogue On Son Preference And Gender Biased Sex Selection (GBSS),
This meeting co-sponsored by The United Nations Population Fund, European Commission and The Government of Norway, will be live on youtube on Friday, 12th March 2021 at 08:00 AM in Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Register to attend:
Christophe Z Guilmoto is a senior fellow in demography at the French Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD) attached to CEPED research unit in Paris and he has joined the CSH in 2021 to work on the demography of inequalities. In France, he taught at Université Paris Descartes and at EHESS. He was trained in Mathematics and Sociology. From 1983 onward, he then worked at MIDS in Chennai, the IEG in Delhi and the EFEO in Pondicherry and received a PhD in Demograph…. Continue reading