Dr Manpreet Sethi is Fellow, International Relations at the Centre de Sciences Humaines, New Delhi for a period March 2008-Dec 2008 where she is working on a project on Nuclear Deterrence in Second Tier Nuclear Weapon States. She is also Senior Fellow, Centre for Air Power Studies where she heads the Nuclear Security project. She completed her Ph.D from School of International Studies, JNU, New Delhi in 1997 and was on the research faculty of the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi from 1997-2001. Between 2002 and 2005 she carried out a Research Project for the Department of Atomic Energy on Nuclear Energy for India’s Energy Security at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies, New Delhi. Manpreet is author of Argentina’s Nuclear Policy and co-author of Nuclear Deterrence and Diplomacy and has written a number of academic articles in national and international journals. She contributes regularly to national and international dailies and has participated in track II diplomacy and several conferences in India and abroad.