In press Peschard, K. Seed wars and farmers’ rights: comparative perspective from Brazil and India. Journal of Peasant Studies.
2014 Peschard, K. Farmers’ rights and food sovereignty: critical insights from India. Journal of Peasant Studies 81(6): 1085-1108.
2014 Peschard, K. Turning of the tide: Rising discontent over transgenic crops in Brazil. In S.A. Wolf and A. Bonanno, eds. The neoliberal regime in the agri-food sector: Crisis, resilience and restructuring, 170-190. New York: Routledge.
2014 Peschard, K. Descontento inesperado: Mutaciones en la polémica sobre cultivos transgénicos en Brasil.In G. Otero, ed. La dieta neoliberal: globalización y biotecnología agrícola en América latina, 279-96. Mexico City: M.A. Porrúa.
2012 Peschard, K. Unexpected discontent: Exploring new developments in Brazil’s transgenics controversy. Canadian Journal of Development Studies 33(3): 326-337.