Karine Peschard is a postdoctoral researcher at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID), in Geneva, on a Swiss National Science Foundation Grant entitled “Bringing the seed wars to the courtroom: legal activism and the governance of plant genetic resources in Brazil and India.” From October 2015 until June 2016, she is conducting fieldwork for this research project in India, where she is an associate researcher at the Centre for Social Sciences and Humanities—CSH. She holds a PhD in anthropology from McGill University. In 2011-2013, she was a SSHRC postdoctoral fellow at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, where she conducted comparative research on the implementation of farmers’ rights legislation in Brazil and India. Her research interests are centered on social movements, biotechnology, biodiversity and intellectual property rights, with a comparative focus on Brazil and India. http://graduateinstitute.ch/home/study/academicdepartments/anso/students/postdoc.html

In press           Peschard, K. Seed wars and farmers’ rights: comparative perspective from Brazil and India. Journal of Peasant Studies.


2014                Peschard, K. Farmers’ rights and food sovereignty: critical insights from India. Journal of Peasant Studies 81(6): 1085-1108.


2014                Peschard, K. Turning of the tide: Rising discontent over transgenic crops in Brazil. In S.A. Wolf and A. Bonanno, eds. The neoliberal regime in the agri-food sector: Crisis, resilience and restructuring, 170-190. New York: Routledge.


2014                Peschard, K. Descontento inesperado: Mutaciones en la polémica sobre cultivos transgénicos en Brasil.In G. Otero, ed. La dieta neoliberal: globalización y biotecnología agrícola en América latina, 279-96. Mexico City: M.A. Porrúa.


2012                Peschard, K. Unexpected discontent: Exploring new developments in Brazil’s transgenics controversy. Canadian Journal of Development Studies 33(3): 326-337.

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