Rao Mohan, Sarcar Aprjita, (2021). Two-child Norm: Curtailing Welfare, Weaponising Demography, Economics & Political Weekly 56(35), 28 Aug 2021.
Aprjita Sarcar, post-doctoral fellow and member of the Territorial Dynamics research area at CSH, co-wrote an article with Dr. Mohan Rao ( former professor in Social Medicine, JNU ), titled “Two-child Norm:Curtailing Welfare, Weaponising Demography” published in Economics and Political Weekly on 28 August 2021.
Abstract: In July 2021, Uttar Pradesh announced a population policy, the draft of the Uttar Pradesh Population (Control, Stabilisation and Welfare) Bill, 2021. While the contents of the bill are contentious, so is the timing of its tabling in the legislature. In terms of substantive population planning, the draft document is not only detrimental to long-term demographic transition, it has serious repercussions for welfare state mechanisms
This article can be found here: https://www.epw.in/journal/2021/35/commentary/two-child-norm.html
Aprajita Sarcar is a global historian specializing in the postcolonial history of family planning in India. Her work has been interdisciplinary. She considers herself most useful in research that requires a combination of watching films (if not co-creating them), reading archival dust, talking to people and triangulating how the three mount ……..continue reading