Tagged: Economics & Development

Agarwal, B., & Dorin, B. (2019). Group farming in France: Why do some regions have more cooperative ventures than others?. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 51(3), 781-804.

Agarwal Bina, Dorin Bruno, 2019. “Group Farming in France: Why do some regions have more cooperative ventures than others?”, Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space,  pp. 1-24 (pre-publication online). Abstract: The global debate...

Gravel, N., Marchant, T., & Sen, A. (2018). Conditional expected utility criteria for decision making under ignorance or objective ambiguity. Journal of Mathematical Economics , 78, 79-95.

Gravel, N., Marchant, T., & Sen, A. (2018). Conditional expected utility criteria for decision making under ignorance or objective ambiguity. Journal of Mathematical Economics , 78, 79-95.

Abstract We provide an axiomatic characterization of a family of criteria for ranking completely and/or ambiguous decisions. A completely uncertain decision is described by the set of all its consequences (assumed to be finite)....