[Opportunities] Call for applications for Research Grants in “Islamology”, Deadline – 26 September 2024
The Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE) and the UMIFRE network wish to support young researchers in Islamology by offering three-month field grants to Master’s students and six months field grants to doctoral students/young doctors and wishing to pursue research in the broadest sense in different regions of the world. Research on South Asia is particularly encouraged. Fellows will be hosted by member centers of the UMIFRE network and other research institutes partnering with the program (see list of institutes concerned*).
For several years, the Centre de Sciences Humaines (CSH) in New Delhi has been engaged in extensive research on the history, political science, and sociology of the Muslim minority in India. Kindly refer to our Activity Report (pp. 30-34) for a detailed presentation of this work. https://www.csh-delhi.com/activity-report-2023-rapport-dactivite-2023/
We would be delighted to host this (or these) young researcher(s) in Delhi for the upcoming academic year. We encourage you to submit your application without hesitation.
Do not hesitate to contact for any queries: Neeru GOHAR at neeru.gohar@csh-delhi.com and Marine GOBURDHUN marine.goburdhun@diplomatie.gouv.fr
This announcement is intended for French or Indian students (or students of any other nationality) and young doctors who fulfill the following criteria:
- Applicants who have not previously received the MEAE Islamology Research Scholarship are eligible,
- Candidates in a master program must have completed their Master 1 and enrolled in a Master 2 program in a French university (or in co-direction with a teacher from a French university)
- Candidates in a PhD program should be enrolled in a doctoral program at a French university (or in a joint program with a French university)
- Young doctors have defended his/her thesis after 31/12/2019 in a French university (or in co-tutorship with a French university) and be resident in France and associated with a research laboratory.
For Master students for three months:
Instructions: AppelMaster.pdf (French); CallMasterpdf (English)
Application form
For PhD Candidates/Young Researchers:
Instructions: AppelPhD/YoungResearchers.pdf (French); CallPhD/YoungResearchers.pdf (English)
Application form
Applications must be sent before September 26, 2024 to islamologie.dgm-ddc-esr@diplomatie.gouv.fr