Tristan BRUSLÉ

Tristan BRUSLÉ

Tristan Bruslé holds a Ph.D. in geography from Poitiers University (France). His Ph.D. dissertation, about Nepali migrants in Northern India, was on the lived world of migrants, their networks, interactions, living and working conditions. After joining the CNRS (at the Centre for Himalayan Study), he got interested in other dimensions of population dispersion, from temporary labour migration to the creation of diasporas, based on the Nepalese case. In Assam, he investigated the Nepalese diaspora settled in India for more than a century and whose ties to Nepal may be reactivated in times of crisis. In Qatar, where more than four hundred thousand Nepalese work, he studied the housing pattern viewed as a tool to control low paid workers’ lives, and migrant’s daily experiences in labour camps. Alongside, he got interested in the making of the Nepalese diasporic web, analysing how power relations permeate digital communities. Based at CSH from September 2015, he returns back to Nepal to understand the numerous relations between international labour migration, social changes and agrarian transformations. His main fieldwork of investigation is Sunsari, situated in the Eastern Tarai plain. Since he arrived in Delhi, he organised two scientific events in Delhi: a joint CSH-CPR seminar about Migration and Social Changes (March 2017), a joint CSH-SAU-CSDS conference about Work and Livelihood in Nepal (July 2017).

Recent Publications:

1. 2016 (with Bénédicte Michalon) L’ethnicité, la religion et le genre dans les institutions d’enfermement : processus et effets de catégorisation, Introduction au Théma « Enfermement et catégorisation », Critique Internationale, n°72, p.9-19


2. 2016 Book review : Borderland lives in Northern South Asia, David N. Gellner (ed.), 2013, Durham and London, Duke University Press, South Asia Multidisciplinary Journal,


3. 2016 Ties to Nepal and diasporic consciousness of Indians of Nepali origin: examples from Bokakhat, Assam, dans T.B. Subba (dir.), Nepali Diaspora in a Globalised Era, New Delhi, Routlegde, p.170-187

4. 2015 Loger pour exclure. Le camp de travailleurs, dispositif central d’un système de domination des migrants à bas revenus dans le Golfe arabique (exemples au Qatar), in A. Clerval, A. Fleury, J. Rebotier, S. Weber (dir.), Espaces et rapports de domination, Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, p.273-284


5. 2015 Habiter un camp de travailleurs. Appropriation, usages et valeurs du dortoir en milieu contraint, Annales de Géographie, n°702-703, p.248-274

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