Dr. Tista Kundu is an Assistant Professor, the Department of Economics, at Christ University, Bangalore, India.
Previously, she was a Post Doctoral Research Fellow at Centre de Sciences Humaine, New Delhi. She was working in the framework of the “Challenging Inequality” (CHALLINEQ) research project with Prof. Nicolas Gravel (Director, CSH, 2018-2021). She obtained her PhD from ESSEC Business School, Paris. Her doctoral research was on Inequality of opportunity, which, unlike the conventional inequality analysis, prioritizes inequality that is generated only from factors beyond individual responsibilities like sex, caste, family background, etc. So far the focus of her analysis is concentrated on India, mostly exploiting the National Sample Survey database. She is also interested in issues in the labor market/intergenerational mobility/educational opportunity in terms of the different tire of social hierarchy and in general, micro-development economic applications.
Currently, she is working on labor market inequality generated by the inherent social and family background of workers. She is primarily interested in the Indian labor market, however has recently explored the labor market of Brazil as well. Her single-authored work titled “Inequality of Opportunity in Elementary Level School Education: Evidence from India” was published in the Indian Journal of Human Development (2023). She penned an article on “The multiple faces of inequality in India” for The Conversation, France (2022). Her project titled “Doomed since Birth? The Role of Predestined Social Backgrounds in Measuring Well-being in India” won the prestigious AXA Research Fund Fellowship in 2020.
She taught introductory as well as intermediate Microeconomics as an associate lecturer at ESSEC Paris, for the BBA and MBA courses (2017-2018). Previously during 2010-12, she taught undergraduate economics (Microeconomics, International trade, econometrics and development economics) as a guest lecturer in Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis College, Kolkata. She is now a full-time Assistant Professor at Christ University, Bangalore and takes core courses of Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Research Methodology, and Mathematical Economics for Economics Honors (BA and BSc) and for MA in Applied Economics.