
Thomas Licart is a PhD student in Demography at the Laboratory SAGE (Societies, Actors and Government in Europe), Strasbourg University since 2018. Thomas Licart’s dissertation focus on the demographic and geographic pattern of family systems in India. A particular emphasis is placed on the joint family studied as a residential unit and as a specific kinship system, embedded by strong gender norms. Despite debates on its nuclearization, the traditional joint family remains a prominent institution and the research seek to examine its integration into contemporary Indian society. Through a geographical and demographic approach, his research aims to explore the multiple aspects of the joint family system, highlighting the factors influencing its formation, partition and mutation, and exploring the forms of spatial inertia that still characterise family strategies in India.

  • Licart T. (2020) « Vieillir en famille élargie ? Les personnes âgées et les ménages intergénérationnels en Inde. » Publications de l’Aidelf — Carrefour de la démographie francophone, Association internationale des démographes de langue française, 2020.
  • Guilmoto C. & Licart T. (2020). India and coronavirus: lack of access to handwashing facilities among poor makes fight even harder. The Conversation France, 01 April 2020.

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