Stéphanie TAWA LAMA

Stéphanie TAWA LAMA


Stéphanie Tawa Lama is a CNRS Research Director (Political Science) at the Centre d’Etudes Sud-Asiatiques et Himalayennes (Cesah – EHESS/CNRS). She studies contemporary Indian democracy through four main themes: political representation (with a special focus on women); political mobilisations; participatory experiences; and urban governance. She is the Head Researcher of “Documenting Democracy: History, Politics, Citizenship” research area at the CSH.

Her recent publications include a book on the Indian versions of participatory democracy; a collective volume (co-edited with Amélie Blom) on the role of emotions in political mobilisations; a special issue of India Review on political representation in India; and a series of articles on metropolitan democracy and the Aam Aadmi Party.

She currently supervises 5 PhDs and is a member of the Editorial board of the online South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal (SAMAJ).

Recent Publications
  • Lama, Stéphanie Tawa. 2023. “Hearing the Marginalized: The Jan Sunwai in India.” Pp. 296–301 in The Routledge Handbook of Collective Intelligence for Democracy and Governance. London: Routledge. DOI: 10.4324/9781003215929-24
  • Tawa Lama Stéphanie. 2023. Herméneutique des réformes électorales en Inde, Raison publique 26 (1): 169‑86. a special issue on the “philosophy of elections” :
  • Tawa Lama, Stéphanie. 2022. “Gram sabha”. In Guillaume Petit, Loïc Blondiaux, Ilaria Casillo, Jean-Michel Fourniau, Guillaume Gourgues, Samuel Hayat, Rémi Lefebvre, Sandrine Rui, Stéphanie Wojcik, et Jodelle Zetlaoui-Léger, Dictionnaire critique et interdisciplinaire de la Participation, DicoPart, 2ème édition, GIS Démocratie et Participation.
  • Tawa Lama Stéphanie. 2021. “Comparative Research between France and India. A View from Within”. Pp. 349-366, in Decentering Comparative Analysis in a Globalizing World, edited by Olivier Giraud and Michel Lallement, Leiden/Boston, Bril
  • Tawa Lama Stéphanie. 2020. “Metropolitan democracy from below: participation and rescaling in Delhi”, Territory, Politics, Governance, (Published online: 5 November 2020): 1‑16.

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