Rodrigo Corredor is researcher in the Department of Law and Economics at the Externado University of Colombia. He received a MS degree in International Law and Economics from the World Trade Institute at the University of Bern. Although his original background is in law, the approach of his research combines legal and economic concepts of international intellectual property theories to assess the suitability of certain public policies dealing with foreign investment, innovation and economic growth.
The Pacific Alliance: adding value to the global intellectual property rights regime?
Social Impact bonds in the context of the reform of the public procurement law: Challenges and opportunities
Ciencia, regulación y conflictos de interés: elementos para la definición de un marco normativo en materia de integridad científica
Futuro de los sistemas nacionales de ciencia tecnología e innovación en la agenda económica de América Latina: definiendo cambios regulatorios o protegiendo inversiones
Resolving regulatory conflicts by incorporating private standards: challenges and opportunities