Paulina LOPEZ

Paulina Lopez has an international academic background and a professional experience in the field of water, acquired at the intersection of natural and social sciences. After being qualified as a cartographer (Santiago, Chile), she obtained a MSc in Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems (Toulouse, France), a MSc and a Ph.D. in Water Sciences (Montpellier, France) and a MA in International Relations (New Delhi, India).
In the framework of her former research, she calculated the future water availability of several glacierized basins of South America (with a special emphasis in Patagonia Region) under climate change scenarios.
Currently her research focuses on water scarcity and the various political, socio-economic and environmental issues that emerge from it. Paulina addresses these problems from the perspective given by different units (or scales) of analysis, and is particularly interested in understanding the interactions that occur amongst them.
- Garreaud, R., López, P., Mienvielle, M., and Rojas M., 2012. Large Scale Control on the Patagonia Climate. Journal of Climate, (26) pp. 215 – 230.
- López, P. and Casassa, G., 2011. Recent acceleration of ice loss in the Northern Patagonia Icefield, based on an updated decennial evolution. The Cryosphere Discussion, (5) pp. 3323 – 3381.
- López, P., Chevallier, P., Favier, V., Pouyaud, B., Ordenes, F. and Oerlemans, J., 2010. A regional view of fluctuations in Glacier length in southern South America. Global and Planetary Change, (71) 1-2, pp. 85 – 108.
- Casassa, G., López, P., Pouyaud, B. and Escobar, F., 2009. Detection of changes in glacial runoff in alpine basins: examples from North America, central Asia and the Andes (invited paper). Hydrological Processes, (23) pp. 31 – 41.
- López, P., Sirguey P., Arnaud Y., Pouyaud B., Chevallier P., 2008. Snow cover monitoring in the Northern Patagonia Icefield using MODIS satellite images (2000-2006). Global and Planetary Change, (61), pp. 103 – 16.
- Suarez, W., Chevallier, P., Pouyaud, B. and López, P., 2008. Modelling the water balance in the glacierized Paron Lake basin (White Cordillera). Hydrological Sciences Journal, (53) 1, pp. 266 – 277.