Md Irfan

Irfan, Md, (Article) “Jayaprakash Narayan” in Modern South Asian Thinkers (eds.) Sanjeev Kumar HM and Dev Pathak, published by Sage Publications, July 2018.
Md Irfan, a review of the book – The End of Representative Politics by Simon Tormey, Political Studies Reviews, Vol. 15, Issue 2, 312. February 2017.
Md Irfan, a review of the book – Parties, Elections and Electoral Contests: Competition and Contamination Effects by Marc Guinjoan, Political Studies Review, Vol 14, Issue 3, 418-19. August 2016.
Md Irfan (2015) ‘A Step Ahead of Casteism: New Era of Class Politics, A Dilemma’ in Anupama Singh (ed.), Democratic Governance: Issues and Concerns, New Delhi: Avon Publications.
Md Irfan, a review of the book – Handbook of Politics in Indian States: Regions, Parties and Economic Reforms by Sudha Pai (ed.), Political Studies Review, VOL 13, 239– 316. May 2015.