Mathieu QUET
Associate Researcher (December 2024 – present)
Mathieu Quet, sociologist, is a research director at Institut de Recherche pour le Développement and a member of the Centre Population et Développement (Ceped), Université Paris Cité. His research has focused upon the social aspects of pharmaceutical development in India and the Global South; he is more generally interested in observing the globalization of technological markets from Global South countries. He has supervised the “Anipharm” project, funded by the French National Research Agency, which was studying the pharmaceutical uses of animal life from the angle of “Science, Technology and Society” studies (STS). He is also part of the Globalsmog project studying the governance of air pollution in Global South metropolises. He aims at contributing to the development of the “postcolonial studies of technoscience” subset within the STS community, through the study of multiple areas from pharmaceuticals to digital tools and logistical infrastructures.
- Quet M., Kameda K. Pourraz J., Rault-Chodankar Y.-M. (Eds), Technoscientific globalization from below (edited collection to be published in 2025)
- Quet M., Flux. Comment la pensée logistique gouverne le monde, La Découverte/Zones, 2022
- Quet M., Illicit Medicines in the Global South: Public Health Access and Pharmaceutical Regulation, Routledge, 2021 (traduction anglaise augmentée de Impostures pharmaceutiques)
- Quet M., “Non-standard nature. Venoms, serum and serpentariums in the uneven fabrication of global health”, Social Science and Medicine, 332, September 2023, 116113
- Gameiro M., Quet M., “Feral pharmaceuticalization. Biomedical uses of animal life in light of the global donkey hide trade”, Biosocieties, 2023, 18, 679-706
- Prasad, S.C., Quet M., “Creative dissent in India. Knowledge Swaraj and the People’s Health Movement”, Engaging Science, Technology and Society, 8/1, 2022, 87-104
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