Marine Al Dahdah is a sociologist, a CNRS researcher at the Center for studies of social movements (CEMS-EHESS) and French Institute in Pondichéry (2022-2024), and a member of Unit 1276 “Risks, Violence, Reparation” of the French National Health and Medical Research Institut (INSERM). She is an associate researcher at Paris University (UParis) and at the Center for Human Sciences (CSH) in Delhi (India). Her research focuses on digital technology and digitalisation in Asia and Africa, and more particularly on digital healthcare in India, Ghana and Kenya.

Cemes :

  • From Ghana to India, Saving the Global South’s Mothers with a Digital Solution, M Al Dahdah, Global Policy 12, 45-54, 2021
  • Ignorance et santé globale: Stratégies et acteurs de la réponse à la Covid-19 dans des pays dits des Suds, M Al Dahdah, JB Falisse, G Lurton, Revue d’anthropologie des connaissances, 2021.
  • Digitalizing community health: mobile phones to improve maternal health in rural India., Al Dahdah Marine et Kumar A., In Childbirth in South Asia: Old Paradoxes and New Challenges. Edited by Roger Jeffery and Clémence Julien, OUP, 2021
  • Between Tech and Trade, the Digital Turn in Development Policies,M Al Dahdah, M., Quet, Development,1,2020
  • Smart Cards for All: Digitalisation of Universal Health Coverage in India, M Al Dahdah, RK Mishra, Science, Technology and Society 25 (3), 426-443, 2020

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