Laurent Gayer’s research revolves around two distinct themes: – Political violence in South Asia, and in particular patterns and social representations of female militancy in the Indian Punjab, Nepal and Sri Lanka ; – Residential patterns and repertoires of collective action of Muslim town-dwellers in India, in Delhi in particular. Laurent Gayer was the coordinator of the International Relations research programme of CSH between 2006 and 2008, before joining CNRS (CURAPP, Amiens). He has been affected by CNRS at CSH since October 2009. He is also a research associate at the Centre d’études de l’Inde et de l’Asie du Sud (CEIAS) and a member of the scientific board of the online academic journal SAMAJ( His most recent publications include a collective volume coedited with C. Jaffrelot, /Muslims of Indian Cities. Trajectories of Marginalization/, London/New York, Hurst, Columbia University Press (forthcoming), as well as a special issue of SAMAJ, coedited with I.Therwath, “Modern Achievers: Role Models in South Asia” ( Currently working on the following programs: – Muslims of Indian Cities, between Enclavement and Ghettoization (as a coordinator) – Militarizing Women: The Individual Trajectories and Organizational Shaping of Female Irregular Combatants in South Asia (as a coordinator) Worked on the following archived programs: – India’s Nuclear Nationalism: the Politics and Symbolic of Nuclear Power in a Post-Colonial State (as a coordinator) – Restructuring of Contemporary Islam in Asia, from the Caucasus to China (as a coordinator)