Laetitia Perrier Bruslé is assistant professor in political geography at the University of Lorraine (France). She is also an associate member of PRODIG (Paris) – She has been conducting research in South America for more than two decades. Her main focus deal with border, territory and State in Bolivia and especially in the western Amazonian lowlands. Lately, her analyses question the significance of the post-neoliberal turn in Bolivia and in South America, through the lens of the new arrangements of neoliberal nature paradigm.

Recent Publications:

1. Redon M., Magrin G, Chauvin E., Perrier Bruslé L., Lavie E (ed.) 2015 Ressources Mondialisées. Essai de géographie politique. Paris, Presses Universitaires de la Sorbonne

2. Perrier Bruslé L. 2017 Land and indigenous territories in the Bolivian Amazon: full but imperfect spatial justice? Special issue « Peuples autochtones et justice spatiale », justice spatiale | spatial justice, n°10, septembre 2016,

3. Perrier Bruslé L., 2015, El nexo saber-poder en las reconfiguraciones sociales de un margen en proceso de integración.  Una mirada desde el Norte de La Paz Bulletin de l’Institut Français d’Etudes Andines, Vol. 44, n°3,

4. Perrier Bruslé L., 2015, La integración continental suramericana, inscripción espacial y marco ideológico. Apuntes desde Bolivia, el país de contactos Journal of Latin American Geography, Vol. 14, n°2 pp. 101-127. Doi: 10.1353/lag.2015.0025

5. Perrier Bruslé L., 2013, The border as a marker of territoriality. Multi-scalar perspectives and multi-agent processes in a South American borderland region. Geopolitics, Vol. 18, n° 3, pp.584-611

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