(Visiting PhD Student, February 2023 – December 2024)


Florian Vigroux is a PhD student in economics at the French National Superior School for Agricultural Training (ENSFEA), member of the Laboratory of the Study and Research on Economics, Policies and Social Systems (LEREPS) in Toulouse. His thesis focuses on organizational and institutional innovations in Indian agroecological transitions, with a focus on the role of dairy farming.

While the Green Revolution has enabled India to ensure its food security, it has led to environmental and social problems. To respond to these issues, agro-ecological transitions, towards organic or natural agriculture, are put on the political agenda of the states and the Indian Union. By studying the governance of these transitions, his thesis questions the technical, organizational and institutional lock-in and the drivers of change. It also questions and compares the inclusiveness of organic, natural and conventional food systems. In other words, what forms of collective action (public policies and community governance at different levels) can be taken to enhance a diversity of agro-ecosystems and food crops and guarantee a future for small-scale family farmers without giving up the advantages of industrial innovations, such as standardization, pooling of resources and economies of scale? Given its ambivalent role, both as a source of greenhouse gases and as a lever for carbon sequestration, the role of livestock in agro-ecological transitions is particularly studied.

After a master’s degree in agroeconomy and geography at AgroParisTech, Florian worked on agricultural and environmental development projects in the French Development Agency (AFD) in Brazil. He then participated in various research projects on agrarian dynamic and the impact of agricultural policies, particularly on study of development process in agricultural frontier regions in Brazil and Nicaragua before starting his PhD.

  • Vigroux Florian, Rajaud Elena, Garambois Nadège, Bühler Ève Anne et Gautreau Pierre. 2023. “Unequal coexistence in the North eastern Cerrado. The rise of entrepreneurial agriculture in the face of family farming in Correntina (Bahia State, Brazil)”, Revue internationale des études du développement [En ligne], 251, pp.285-917. URL:http://journals.openedition.org/ried/8209; DOI: https://doi.org/10.4000/ried.8209


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