He currently works at University of Rouen (France), as the deputy director of UMR 6266 UMR IDEES.
Furthermore, Eric Daudé is – Head of MAGEO project(ANR-FEDER): MOSAIIC project(GRR SER): – Involved in AEDESS (ANR): DENFREE projects(FP7) headed by Pasteur Institut GENSTAR (ANR) headed by IRD.
Misslin R., Daudé É. (2017), Environmental hazard index mapping methodology of Aedes aegypti, vector of dengue and Zika virus. International review of Geomatic.
Cebeillac A., Daudé É., Huraux T. (2017), Where? When? And How Often? What Can We Learn on Daily Urban Mobilities From Twitter Data and Google Map in Bangkok (Thailand) and Which Perspectives For Dengue Studies? Netcom.
Maneerat S., Daudé É. (2017), Étude par simulation à base d’agents des effets des discontinuités intra-urbaines à Delhi sur la dispersion des moustiques Aedes aegypti, vecteurs de la dengue, de la fièvre jaune, du chikungunya et du virus Zika. Cybergéo : European Journal of Geography, DOI : 10.4000/cybergeo.28078.
Daudé É. (2017), Les Systèmes Pathogènes Complexes, Modélisation et Simulation. Revue Francophone des Territoires et de la Santé, 5 p.
Daudé É., Mazumdar S., Solanki V. (2017), Widespread Fear of Dengue Transmission but Poor Practices of Dengue Prevention: a Study in the Slums of Delhi, India. PLoS ONE 12(2): e0171543. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0171543.