Chloe Leclere, being a part of the CSH, has worked on the project “Palanpur : India’s Economic “Revolution” research program. According to the 2011 Census of India, urban migration stylized fact is not salient in India, as 69 % of the population live in rural areas. However linkages between rural and urban have been intensifying, through good exchanges or labor markets interconnections. In the new set of opportunities to the households (Basu, 1997), migration is an interesting feature (Démurger et al., 2010). This project on migration in India exploits seven decades panel data available on the Palanpur village and compares it with other data sources (Census, Indian Health and Development Survey and NSS0). Such comprehensive approach should help to understand the deep interconnections – that are often underestimated by the current statistical approach – between rural and urban areas in contemporary India.