Blandine RIPERT

Recent Publication:
1. Letizia Chiara, Ripert Blandine (in preparation), “Not in the name of religion: a Supreme Court verdict on animal sacrifice in Nepal“, in Daniela Berti & Anthony Good (eds.), Animal Sacrifice on Trial: Cases from South Asia, Cambridge University Press.
2. Bruslé Tristan and Ripert Blandine, 2016, “Le Népal en 2015: de crise en crise“, Asie, Mondes émergents, Documentation Française.
3. Ripert Blandine, 2015, “Un processus de mondialisation observé à l’échelle locale au Népal Central : Transformations agricoles, économiques, politiques et sociales au bout du monde”, Géoconfluences,
4. Ripert Blandine, 2014, “Improbable Globalization: Individualization and Christianization among the Tamangs of Central Nepal”, in Toffin Gérard and Pfaff-Czamecka Joanna (eds.), Globalization, Belonging and the Politics of the Self in the Himalayas, Delhi, Sage.
5. Ripert Blandine, 2014, “Redefining Belonging and Bonds to Territory: Multiple Forms of Mobility and Itineraries among the Tamangs of Central Nepal“, in Smadja Joëlle (eds.), Territorial changes, territorial restructurings in the Himalayas, Delhi, Adroit Publishers.