Bertrand Lefebvre is an Associate Professor at Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Santé Publique (EHESP School of Public Health). His main fields of expertise are health geography and geomatics. Having strong experience in GIS, geovisualization, and collaborative mapping, he is teaching on environmental health and health policy issues. His recent research themes include the analysis of inequalities in the access to health services in India, the spatial diffusion of dengue epidemics in Delhi and Bangkok. He has been an expert for the World Bank and France’s National Center of Expertise on Vectors (CNEV). He holds a Ph.D. in geography from the University of Rouen and a M.Phil. in health geography from the University of Paris Nanterre University.
O Telle, A Vaguet, NK Yadav, B Lefebvre, E Daudé, RE Paul, A Cebeillac, …, 2016. The Spread of Dengue in an Endemic Urban Milieu–The Case of Delhi, India, PloS one 11 (1) e0146539
B Lefebvre, 2010. Hospital chains in India: the coming of age?, Institut Français des Relations Internationales
A Bochaton, B Lefebvre, 2009. The rebirth of the hospital: Heterotopia and medical tourism in Asia, Asia on tour: Exploring the rise of Asian tourism, 97-108
B Lefebvre, 2009. ‘Bringing world-class health care to India”: The rise of corporate hospitals,Indian Health Landscapes under Globalization. New Delhi, Manohar-Centre de Sciences Humaines
B Lefebvre, 2008. The Indian corporate hospitals: touching middle class lives, Patterns of middle class consumption in India and China, 88-109