
Since 2019: Policy Expert and Advisor (Chargé de Mission) for Europe and International sectors in SSH, French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, Paris.

2016-2019: Seconded National Expert, European Commission, DG Research and Innovation, Unit B6, Open and Inclusive Societies on deputation from the Faculty of Economics, Management and Geography, University of Caen, Normandy

Previous Appointments: National Contact Point Coordinator, Societal Challenge 6 of the Horizon 2020 Programme, and Chargé de Mission, CNRS, 2013-2016

Director: Centre de Sciences Humaines, New Delhi, 2007-2013 (CNRS-French External Affairs Ministry)

Adjoint Director: CNRS Research Unit Savoirs et Mondes Indiens, CNRS, 2009-2013

Vice-President: University of Caen, 2006-2007; Faculty Member, University of Caen, Economics Dept, 1994-2016.

Areas of expertise: Development, globalisation and Public Economics, Social Sciences and Humanities Research and Management

Education: B.A and M.A, Presidency College and University of Calcutta; Research Fellow, Indian Statistical Institute; Ph.D. University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Habilitation, University of Caen.

Awards: Chevalier and Officier des Palmes Académiques, collective team prize for the European project NOPOOR (Prix de l’Etoile de l’Europe) of the French Higher Education and Research Ministry

Some publications :
  • Basudeb Chaudhuri, Boishampayan Chatterjee, Mainak Mazumdar, Safayet Karim: The Income Ranking of Indian States and their Pattern of Urbanization, Ch 4, pp 91-118, in Subaltern Urbanization in India, edited by Eric Denis and Marie-Hélène Zerah, Springer Verlag New Delhi, 2017.
  • Basudeb Chaudhuri, (2015) Identity, nations and the requirements of global justice: limits of the debate in democratic politics, Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics, July 2015; vol. 27, 2: pp. 129151,  Sage Publications
  • Basudeb Chaudhuri, L’évaluation à mi-parcours du programme européen pour la recherche – la difficile conciliation entre excellence et intégration des territoires pp 127-140 &er trimestre 2018, Hérodote, revue de géographie et de géopolitique
  • Aulong, B. Chaudhuri, L. Farnier, S. Galab, J. Guerrin, Himanshu, P. Reddy (2011) : Are South Indian farmers adaptable to global change? A case in an Andhra Pradesh catchment basin, Regional Environmental Change  Volume 12, Number 3 (2012), 423-436, DOI:10.1007/s10113-011-0258-1 Version online in Regional Environmental Change, (18 October 2011), pp. 1-14, doi:10.1007/s10113-011-0258-1
  • Basudeb Chaudhuri, Namrata Gulati, Imdadul Halder, Apara Banerjee,  Ahana Roy and Safayet Karim, Assessing Health Care Scenario and Willingness to Pay for Health Insurance in Slums of Mumbai and Its Periphery, Chapter 14, pp 221-231, India Development Report 2015, Edited by Mahendra Dev, Oxford University Press New Delhi, 2015.

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