Andrea Carolina PEREZ USECHE

Andrea Carolina PEREZ USECHE

Andrea Carolina Pérez Useche is a fourth-year doctoral student at Aix-Marseille University that is interested in topics of Economic philosophy, family economics, institutional economics, social choice, inequality, and public economics. Currently, she is working on assessing marital assortativeness in household formation outputs, both theoretically and empirically. She studied economics at the Externado University of Colombia and after that, she had a position as a researcher in health economics in a Colombian research organization called Salutia-CIEGTS. During that time, she was involved in several projects for the Health Regulation Commission (CRES), which was an administrative unit of the Colombian Ministry of Health and Social Protection. During that period, she also pursued a two-years Master of Research in economics at Externado University and was hired as an associate professor in the Faculty of Economics and the Faculty of Finances and International Affairs at Externado University and at the University of America in Bogotá. In 2015 she moved to France to do another post-graduate diploma in Aix-Marseille University (equivalent to a French Master-2 but devoted to research). That program reinforced her wish to pursue an academic career to broaden her knowledge in economics, and therefore to get enrolled in a doctoral program.

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