Tagged: india

Tawa Lama, Stéphanie. 2023. “Hearing the Marginalized: The jansunwai in India.” in The Routledge Handbook of Collective Intelligence for Democracy and Governance. London: Routledge, p. 296–301

Stéphanie Tawa Lama, CSH Head Researcher of “Documenting Democracy: History, Politics, Citizenship” and CNRS Research Director (Political Science) at the Centre d’Etudes Sud-Asiatiques et Himalayennes (Cesah – EHESS/CNRS), has written a book chapter entitled...

Ribadeau Dumas, Hugo. 2023. “Tāqat, Shakti or Empowerment(s)? Describing the Experience of Power: A Decade of Observations in One Informal Settlement of Patna, India” Journal for South Asian Development, (April 20)

Hugo Ribadeau Dumas, Ph.D. scholar in Urban Geography at EHESS-Paris, authored an article entitled “Tāqat, Shakti or Empowerment(s)? Describing the Experience of Power: A Decade of Observations in One Informal Settlement of Patna, India”...