The forth session of the seminars series on “Sociologie des inégalité en Inde”, EHESS, 20 April 2022
Co-organisers : Joël Cabalion (CITERES), Mathieu Ferry (INED), Odile Henry (Director of CSH, CRESPPA-LabTop), Clémence Julien (CEIAS), Jules Naudet (CEIAS) and Olivier Roueff (CRESPPA-CSU).
Every 2nd and 3rd Friday of the month, from 9h30 – 12h30 (France Time),
The Forth session of the seminar series is on 20 April 2022 on “Caste In-Visibilities (In/visibilités des castes)”
Katyayani Dalmia (postdoctoral Researcher and Lecturer, ISEK, University of Zurich): « Color Coding Caste: an Ethnographic Analysis of Embodied Difference in Lucknow »
Zoé Headley (chargée de recherche CNRS, CEIAS): « Walking the Caste Line? Dissimulating and Transgressing Ascribed Identities »
Lieu at l’EHESS salle 0.032, espace see situant au rez-de-chaussée du Bâtiment de Recherche Sud and for online registration link :
Link to the complete program details: Click Here
About: The purpose of the seminar series is to examine the means at the disposal of the social sciences to think about the unequal dynamics in India. Among other things, it is a question of examining the quantitative measure of inequalities and its conditions of possibility, of deconstructing the logics of invisibilisation and naturalization of the poorest, to think about the interdependence of each other despite the apparent incommensurability of their situations, to understand how caste logics interact with class and gender logics or to question the mechanisms that produce these inequalities in terms of oppression, power relations, discrimination or exploitation.
For more information contact: julesnaudet(at)hotmail(dot)com