[Job Offer] Scientist specialised in individual based modelling

[Job Offer] Scientist specialised in individual based modelling

In the framework of Ecomore2, the Centre de Sciences Humaines Delhi, Institut Pasteur du Laos, and IRD Vietnam aims to recruit a specialist in computer modelling. The aim of the position is to translate knowledge acquired through dengue observation in Delhi and Vientiane into a simulator that will help to mitigate disease spread at short and long term. This individual based model will gather several factors recognized to drive the spread of infectious diseases at urban scale: environment of population (built-up spread, social and environmental characteristics, local temperature), mosquito population and mobility of individuals.

The simulator will be placed on top of the epidemiological surveillance system of Lao PDR, with a real-time auto-calibration that will enable a quick use of the tools in case of epidemic. It will as well integrate important data based available on economic environment of cities and related mobilities.

The model will be coded in GAMA


AFD-funded Ecomore2 – Lao Workpackage, Institut Pasteur du Laos (IPL)

Website: https://ecomore2.github.io

Github: https://github.com/ecomore2

Ecomore2: http://www.ecomore.org

Key words:

agent-based model, dengue, calibration, auto-calibration, hybrid models


The candidate should be specialized in informatics/modelling/coding. Knowing Gama Tools will be appreciated (https://gama-platform.github.io/)


From 60k to 130k INR / month, according to qualification/experience.


  • For India based candidate: The work induces several missions to Laos/Viet Nam
  • 8-10 months depending on salary.
  • The successful candidate will be located in one of these centers:
    • Institut Pasteur du Laos, Virology Unit, Vientiane Lao PDR
    • National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Hanoi, Vietnam
    • Centre de Sciences Humaines, Delhi, India

Available data for calibration:

  • Road network (OSM) Buildings (OSM, GHSL) Land cover (Sentinel) Land use (Sentinel)
  • Points of interest (OSM): shops, hospitals, schools, universities, restaurants, bars, coffee shops, parks, temples, pagodas
  • Socio-economic census: individual data per village (400 villages) (Lao Bureau of Statistics)
  • Meteorologic data (TuTiempo, Department of Meteorology and Hydrology)
  • Daily and seasonal human population movements
  • Entomological survey (IPL) Sero-prevalence (IPL) Epidemiological data (2012-2020), IPL

More info here: https://ecomore2.github.io


Olivier Telle, health geographer, CNRS, Centre de Sciences Humaines, Delhi, India:


Marc Choisy, biomathematician/epidemiology, IRD, Hanoi, Vietnam:


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